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We are a bunch of GREAT Dads (and father figures) in the Lake Norman area (and beyond).  Just like any other good parent, we do whatever it takes to keep it all together.  From soccer to scouting, ballet to baseball, camping to car maintenance, we're busy pouring our hearts, soul, (and bank accounts) into our kids and family.

But once in awhile, a great father needs to call in the infantry and lean on the lessons and leadership of other Dads.  That's where DDB comes in.  

At Dads Doing Better, great fathers learn to raise their game... while raising their glass.    Some say it's a questionable coincidence that DDB also stands for Dads Drinking Beer.   We're not too sure how that ridiculous rumor was started, but we'll likely discuss it (in length) at the next DDB - held at one of the many fine craft beer establishments in the Charlotte region. 

DDB.... for the sake of the children....

A big thanks to these fine establishments that have hosted DDB:

7/13/16                                                     10/8/16

2/4/17                                                       2/13/18

6/6/18                                                       7/13/18

2/3/19                                                      7/19/19

11/26/19                                                  2/1/20

4/23/20                                                    6/11/20

7/13/21                                                     ​7/29/21